Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pwe-Kool Rools!

First day of pre-school... oh the memories... seeing as it was almost a week ago and I'm finally putting up a post and pictures...

Well, here she is, the star of the day:

Sporting her new Barbie backpack, complete with pink, pink and more pink, including pink sequins and pink sparkles. Every preschooler needs a backpack larger than their torso to carry all those things back and forth (so far we've had one piece of colored construction paper and one six inch square drawing... so worth the money!)

And let's see how tall you are compared to your little brother who is so sad/jealous/angry/confused as to why he doesn't get to go to school too.

And Ladies & Gentlemen, a miracle - ME! In an actual photo, with my actual kids!

And here we are, Mama & Nola... growing up and going to school...

By the way, she loves school. Loves it loves it loves it.

1 comment:

lucylucia said...

Oh I am so glad!! Logan's face in that photo with Nola is just priceless. Also, you look pretty in your pictures!!!