Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Long Time, No Write!

Wow - it's been a while! My last post was about the blanket I made for Ella, who happened to be born that day, March 5th. We haven't seen her yet (not sure if we will anytime soon).

I guess I haven't had much to write about lately, and I've been all consumed with other computer time passing ventures (cough cough Facebook cough cough)... I've been trying to get back into my picture taking, which is still pretty slow. I've added a handful of letters to my growing library of the photo-alphabet. We've been spending a lot of time going places and outside since the weather has started to show signs of Spring. Kirk was on vacation last week and we went to the Zoo, the Park, Grandma's house, played outside, went to a BBQ.... lots of stuff! I really still don't have much to write about. I will include a few pictures of this past week.

Oh, Logan is starting to wave - very cute. And he can sit up all by himself. No crawling yet, but he's almost ready. And here's a funny (non-prompted) quote from Nola, "Logan is han-som. I'm a pretty girl... and Papa's a Ninja!"

1 comment:

lucylucia said...

Oh Janae! That pictyure of Nola and Logan is darling!! I think Logan is losing a bit of his baby face and looking more like he will as a toddler. TOO CUTE!!