It's been so super cold that we don't have much going on. There's just no way I'm going to take the kids anywhere outside if I don't have to. Nola even had to skip her trip to the grocery store this week. So we've just been working on our growing up skills. Here are a few of our accomplishments in the past week or so:
1. Potty Training is going good - only one accident in four days. Word to the wise - if you have the option of potty training in summer or winter, choose winter. You're stuck inside anyway. Less distractions. I had planned to go out and buy all the supplies to make a big sticker chart with rewards and whatnot... but I waited a few days and never got around to that... and I'm glad I didn't. She's doing it without any bribery (cheaper for me).
2. Logan is now eating baby food. Just green beans so far. And surprise, Fatty likes to eat! I don't even use a bib because none of it falls below his chin. We will move on to some sweet potatoes in a day or so... Big stuff!
3. Nola is also using a regular cup (at the table only to reduce spills). And big people silverware.
4. Logan is almost sitting up, but that big old brain (surrounded by that big ole head) is keeping him from stabilizing himself for more than a minute or so.
5. Nola has learned how to open up the DVD player and switch the movie to one she wants to watch. She can't make it play... but she sure likes to push the buttons.
6. Logan has perfected the motor boat spitting thing with his lips and can now not only spit on you, but spit green beans on you... and he thinks it's really funny.
6. Nola is learning how to draw people.... She can draw the eyes, nose and mouth... even if they aren't in the right place on the face. And she adds ears and hair, which she usually gets in the correct general areas.
So that's our big news for the week. Oh, and I learned nothing. I still eat the same, draw the same, potty the same.... in case you were wondering about me too.
Highlighter Valentine Card with Free Printable
6 years ago
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