So what the hell folks? I want to hear all of your theories, questions, gripes, praises... Everyone on Facebook is trying to skirt around the meat of the issue so as not to spoil the show for those DVR-ers out there who are slacking.... I want to hear it!
So bring it!
I will say that I am full of questions, and slightly disappointed by the lack of answers... I agree with leaving some things up to the viewers interpretation... how else would they get people all over the world into heated discussions today, right? But answer SOME stuff directly people! I liked that everyone (dead and alive) got to be with who they were supposed to be with in the end... specifically Sawyer and Juliet... cause I'm in love with Sawyer and was so sad for him when he lost Kate... then when I saw the love between him and Juliet, I thought - HA! Kate! Take that! Now you're stuck with wishy-washy Jack! Then she freakin died! Poor Sawyer... Now he has his Juliet back. Aweeee... But seriously, I did like that they at least wrapped everyone up into happy little packages at the end... I was just hoping for something a little more complicated than a 'walk into the light' scene.... "Go into the light, Sawyer-Anne.. Go into the LIGHT!"
So, bring it! What do you all think?
Here is the link from the comments section:
EW: LOST finale recap
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6 years ago
Shalyn and I stayed up until 11:20 last night talking about how dissapointed we were. I am still annoyed that we didn't get very many "answers" but I am glad that they all ended up happy. Also, when I think of the dog laying down near Jack - I STILL choke up. So, I liked all the attention to the characters. That was great. I HATE that we barely got any resolution to our questions. Probably because there aren't any. Also, I am annoyed that Purgatory Clair gave birth...sooooo Aaron is dead? And he came back to the purgatory world as an insensible infant?! That's ridiculous. The same goes for Sun's ultrasound.
Also, I guess the whole Charles Widmore is a Big Damn Deal storyline wasn'y worth the air time they took to tell it, since Ben just shot him and that was that.
I'm still confused about what and when all the aspects of the show were! So are we to assume they all died in the orig crash? Lots of people are saying no, that the island was 'real' and they all died throughout their stay there.... I don't like that. Then they went back (6 of them)... was that real? And then they returned and started time traveling... was that real? When did we flip from real to purgatory? Just in this last season when the mystery reality started showing up out of nowhere?
And was it really so easy for Hurley to just become what Jack was by drinking out of a creek? That was stupid!
Okay, this is how I understand things timeline wise:
everything that happened on the island was totally real. Including jumping around in time, people leaving the island and coming back, people dying, etc.
The "sideways" world started this season, as a way for us to see the different characters working through their issues after they had passed away (whenever that might have been - because in the sideways world, there is no such thing as time). From what I can see, everyone had created their idea of what their ideal lives would have been like had the plane never crashed. That they had to work though some of their issues and "let go" before they could move on with everyone in to the light.
So yes, I think the prevailing understanding is that Kate, Clair, Sawyer, Lepidus, Miles etc, all made it off the island and lived long lives - which is why Jack smiled when he saw their plane overhead. Hurley and Ben stayed on the island and protected it well, for who knows how long (maybe hundreds of years) and the Others are still on the island and so on.
I just have a hard time thinking that this is a satusfactory "answer" for what was happening on the show for the past six seasons. It was ALL about the mystery of the island for heaven's sake! Now, we're told to "let it go" and just be happy that they all passed on to the light together?!
This is why I love my Lucy! That was exactly what I needed - someone to spell it out for me in order. I was getting to that idea, going circles around it with Cayce right after the show ended, but no wit seems clearer.
Okay! More questions towards this theory then... So the island was NOT purgatory, it was real. Purgatory was the 'sideways' reality (as people are calling it). If this is true then WHAT is the island? Where does all it's magic and mystery come from? And what the hell was the point of all the Jacob and The Light stuff if the island was all real and the sideways reality was where they were dealing with their lives? The show led us to believe that Jacob and Locke/Smoke Monster were the good vs. evil, keepers of the balance, yadda yadda... but if they were exixting in the real world... then what were they even doing?
Lucy - help!
Oh no, now you've done it. Asked REAL questions! ha!
Okay, this is my understanding. The island is special. Really really special. Jacob's and Man In Black's mom said that it contained the "light" or "spark" that is in every person on earth and that if it goes out on the island, then it will go out in everyone on earth too. I think what the "spark" actually is is open to interpretation. Maybe it contains souls or our spiritual essesences?? Whatever it is, I am assuming that if the light goes out, everyone dies and I think I remember Jacob hinting that people won't be able to exist in the afterlife either. So Jack doubly saved everyone on the island when he put the "cork" back in in reality world and also saved everyone in t he sideways-purgatory world so they could move on. Maybe the island is the nexus between this world and the next? Your guess is as good as mine.
Regardless, the island was magical in the real world and our heros were all experiencing it for real. Also, Jacob and MIB were real also. I was really glad that Richard got off the island! I would like to watch a show about him acclimating to his mortality.
Really, I think MIB was just a horribly selfish spirit form who didn't care about anyone than himself and just wante dto get off the island because his mommy told him he couldn't. He was a brat and didn't care if he ruined the world to get his way.
What I thought was interesting is when Ben said something to Hurley about "how Jacob made the rules" and that Hurley could change them.
Also, from what I understood the only way to kill MIB was to unplug the cork because that made him mortal and killable. Otherwise, Jack/Kate would not have been able to kill him. And then Jack ha dto put the cork back in in order to save the world. If you ask me that's a mighty risk to take. I say, get Desmond off the island and just let the MIB be mad about it.
Lucy - and all others who may care - read this article...,,20313460_20387946,00.html
I am only part ways through it - but so far it's a very good take on all that happened and why...
The link to the article isn't working. Could you post it again?
I reposted the link in the original blog post...
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