Today was rough and long... I had my appointment this morning for my IUD to be put in - Mirena, like the commercials. It lasts for 5 years so if we decide to have another baby it will be a very deliberate decision. Because I will have to make an appointment to have the IUD removed. I can barely remember to brush my teeth every day, more less take a birth control pill... so this is a good choice for us. BUT - I had also planned on my marathon Thanksgiving cooking session today (after the appointment).
They told me to take 1000 milligrams of Ibioprophen before coming in, and I remembered this on the way to my appointment... oops. When they put it in it was like, "Oh! Ouch!, Oh, you're done... not too bad." But about 5 min into my drive home I started having cramps. And 20 min later when I got home I was in pain, really bad pain. So I took my 1000 mg of IBO and slept for about 15 min (which is a miricle in and of itself with 2 screaming kids). I spent the next 3 hours in pretty good pain. I called Cayce and cancelled coming over until later... then later... then until after naptime. I slept a little when the kids did and started to feel better. So I packed up all my stuff, food, kids, etc. and went over to Cayce's to cook.
It was a little chaotic, both of us cooking while the kids were running around and being crazy. Babies were crying and hungry on and off, and it was dinner time! But we got most of it done. I decided to do one of my dishes tomorrow morning instead and made an extra few pies for dessert... But I took NO pictures. I felt like crap, was super tired, there was no room to even put the camera down in the kitchen... So my pictures of the cook-fest will be MIA this year.
It's 9pm and all kids are sleeping, and I will be following them to bed in about 15 min. Tomorrow will be just as long, but hopefully less painful.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! And to all a good feast!
(Maybe I will take some good food shots tomorrow of the finished products.)
Highlighter Valentine Card with Free Printable
6 years ago
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