Friday, July 23, 2010

The Color Purple

Purple Pole Beans! My arbor is finally covered in bean plants, and the plants are finally covered in teeny tiny beans! The first to grow up are the purple pole beans. I've seen some Lima and a few regular green beans too. The purple are just so pretty! The vines are dark purple and the flowers on the plant are a bright, lighter purple. And the beans - as you see above - are almost a metallic bright purple. The camera couldn't do them justice... I tired. So I steamed them and they turned green. I knew they were supposed to but was still slightly disappointed when they didn't stay so pretty.

And here is my okra crop - regular green ones and burgundy. I know it's not purple, but let's just say that burgundy is a shade of purple for the sake of my catchy post title. They also turned green after being steamed. But were still yummy. The larger ones were too woody but the small ones were melt-in-your-mouth delicious. (Or, more accurately for those non-okra-lovers out there, they were slime-in-your-mouth fantastic.)

Eating purple things is awesome! Even if they do turn green after cooking....

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