BS can stand for many things... Let's start with the good things first.
Blog Stuff: I used to do digital scrapping all the time (when Nola was younger and didn't require as much attention...). I even made an entire book for her first birthday, and her birthday invitations with digital scrap booking. It's really fun, but you do have to have time, which I don't seem to anymore. BUT - I have run across several blogs that are WONDERFUL for sharing freebies of papers, elements and entire kits. So I have spent the past couple of days downloading several things for when I have time again. Lucy & Cayce (mostly) - check out this blog: GingerScraps. I am linking it on my favs over to the right. It's the best one I've found.... SO MUCH cool stuff to download! I'm getting addicted again. Maybe I will try out some of the things I got and post a scrap page soon.... maybe.
Birth Stuff: Well, I'm feeling pretty achy all over... My muscles are stretched to the limit in the belly area. I went this entire pregnancy without a new stretch mark until about 3 days ago! Now I have a whole crop of them right in front and to the sides of my belly button, like evil {(parentheses)}! I'm having more trouble walking and getting up, which is good if that means he is descending downward... and eventually outward! My hips are killing me, also good if they are getting more flexible. My heartburn (which was beyond bad) is all but gone, so I'm thinking he has definitely moved downward and off my stomach. All good signs pointing to oncoming labor **fingers crossed** (knocking on wood)
Bull Shit: So I called in to my OB's office to ask when they had re-scheduled my c-section in the case of no labor.... They said that everything is booked. Booked? What? Everything? So I guess we will just wait and see what happens. I still have my scheduled one for e 28th... (22days more of being pregnant!) But maybe it's a sign that I should just go into labor on my own. I think I will try and see it that way since that's what I want anyway. In other BS news, my husband's work will not let him have any freedom when it comes to his time off for this baby! He must have a scheduled vacation. How do you schedule for labor you ask? You DON'T! You CAN'T! Morons! I understand that his place run with a One-Man-in-Charge at a time schedule.... but geez people. So since the only concrete date we have (thanks to the hospital being totally booked up) is the 28th, then that's when he has scheduled his vacation to start. So if I go into labor today, I have 3 weeks of not having him home... Fabulous! I think too many people are scheduling their c-sections these days!
I think that's all my BS for today....
Highlighter Valentine Card with Free Printable
6 years ago
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