So I was laying in bed last night thinking about how I don't really make much progress around the house. I keep trying to make schedules and lists and plans... they just don't seem to work. Life just keeps getting in the way. It's hard to try and function as a productive person with a baby. (For me at least.) I'm always running on tired. I never feel like I sleep enough or rest enough. And I have a great sleeper too! He sleeps through the night (from around 9pm to 6am). I guess it's just that they are both so young and need constant 'something' all day long. Somebody always needs food, a new diaper, to play, to read a book, to color, to cry for no reason, to be held... So I'm constantly on call from 6am or earlier until about 9pm... no breaks.
So anyway - back to no progress... I feel like my house should be cleaner. For those of you who know me well, I've always been a little messy. I've never been a good housekeeper. I've gotten so much better though. My high school bedroom looked like a laundry room. My college apartments were better because there were other people there to help and to answer to... but my bedroom always looked like the worst room in the place (when the door was actually left open). And my apartment with Kirk was total chaos! He claims to be cleanly - but no, he's sloppy too. And I should say that neither of us is dirty, things are clean underneath all the piles of stuff - we just don't pick up our stuff. And we both had so much stupid stuff! When we moved into a house we were able to throw out things and spread what was left throughout a house as opposed to a one bedroom studio apartment. But now we are in a small house - with 2 kids... and the room thing has taken it's toll. We have things that have no place to go even when the entire house is clean and tidy. Like our son! He doesn't even have a bedroom! So his stuff is in our room, crowding it... and in Nola's room, crowding it up too. We need more space.
I sure do ramble on... anyway... So I've made progress in the cleaning department... But I need to make more. And I need to start teaching my kids how to keep a clean house or I'm going to send two more of me's out into the world... and we don't need two more messy houses out there someday.
Dead Roses - I think my clippings are dead. I'm truly heartbroken! Really. So much work - well, waiting. And a few days of neglect and boom - dead roses! And my giant rose bush out front, the one they were clipped from, almost blew over and snapped in two the other night during our howling wind storm... I went out at 10pm and grabbed roses and twine and tied it back up and saved it just in time - and have many thorn pricks to show for it!
Highlighter Valentine Card with Free Printable
6 years ago
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