Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Spider Spider

Spider, Spider, on thee wall...
Ain't you got no friends at all?
Don't you know the walls been plastered?
Get off the wall you stupid...

This is a poem the was recited to my in junior high school by Mark Bertalino. Mark, if you're out there, I still remember this poem somehow... maybe because you said it to me every day


So I was sitting on the couch today during nap time, nine months pregnant with my feet propped up on a pillow on the ottoman. I was covered in the blanket that I'm currently crocheting for my future niece, and all the balls of yarn and whatnot. The TV was on but I was just glancing at it from time to time since I was crocheting. Out of the corner of my eye I thought I say something move across my floor. Since I have a 1 1/2 year old, it could have been anything from trash to crumbs to fuzz that she picked off of her stuffed animals... But I didn't actually see anything so I just went back about my business.

About 15 min later I saw the same type of movement again and pushed the blanket aside to look over my legs onto the floor. Let's just say that heeby jeebies don't quite cover it.... A large, brown, long legged spider was scurrying across the hardwood. He wasn't going too fast so I made every effort to get up as quick as possible so I could squish him. Feet up, giant belly and covered in yard... I had no chance in hell of catching him. But he stopped. So up I got and went straight for a shoe on the floor. As soon as I got close he went right under the computer cabinet. Well, there's no bending over for me, especially not to look a creepy spider in the eyes! So he's a free man.

But he was the same color as my hardwood. And he's loose. And that was the 2nd movement I saw (so are there 2 of them? possibly making hundreds of spider babies as I type this?) And I'm on the computer that is in the cabinet he ran underneath.... Shit - I'm gonna get bit by a giant spider.


hellocayce said...

Maybe this is over share in such a public forum, but I was using the bathroom a few days ago and felt something on my leg. I thought it could have been a hair that fell from my head or something, but I looked down and it was a SPIDER! On my leg! I jumped up and shooed him off then picked him up (with toilet paper)and flushed him. Heeby Jeebies fo sho!

lucylucia said...

No kidding. A few nights ago Darcy jumped up from his corner of my bed and started batting at something. I turned the lights on and there was a HUGE centipede working its way up the side of my bed. I couldn't see it very well so I jumped up to get my glasses on and by the time I cam back it had disapeared. I was all "go get 'em boy! KILL IT Darcy!!" to my cat, as if he were Lassie. Anyway, I moved my bed, took everything out from under it, and never found the stupid bug. It was 1 am, somehow I managed to fall back asleep. I still think about it when I get in to my bed.