She's pretty funny these days when she wakes up... the other day she covered her face when I walked in to get her up from nap time (this was after she called for me) and said, "I'm still asleep! Go Away!" And this morning when I went in to get her she had peed through her diaper and told me she would just "Lay in my pee-pees a while." When she was ready to get up she said she would like to "go pee-pees in livin room now."
Oh, and it's Tuesday and I still haven't lost any weight. So I'm a looser. Boo Me. I'm not even going to post the regular stats - just know that I'm fat and bummed about it.
In other news...
I have about 10 squares started on my Starry Night blanket, will post more pics when it comes together more.
I still haven't finished my hair makeover... I am going to get it re-cut sometime soon and color it a very dark brown, will post pics of that if I ever get around to it.
I have to renew my drivers license before Nov. 4th because I'm a big old slacker and still have my old address and my maiden name on it! I've been married over 3 years! I just don't want to take any chances that I won't be able to vote. I will be lying about my weight to the License Bureau by the way.
Logan is laughing all the time now - it's really cute.
I wish I could hear Logan laugh! Baby laughs are awesome. Elena isn't really doing that very much. Joe and Mara were really smily and giggly, hmmm.
The quilt square look fabulous! I wish I could learn to do that, but I think I have enough hobbies on my plate.
My goodness! They are both so big! Nola is starting to look more like you.
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