Last night we needed to go to Toys R Us to buy Nola's birthday present... After a whole day of figuring out the best way to do this we went to Kirk's Mom's house. We stayed for a little bit and then left both kids (at her suggestion) and went to the toy store. I tried my best to get Kirk to hurry up... yeah right! It was a toy store! So after what seemed like forever were on our way back to his mom's house. He called her to see if there was anything we needed to pick up. I heard him say to her, "Are you okay? No? Okay, we'll hurry."
Apparently both kids were screaming! We were supposed to stop at the grocery store for her on the way back. I told Kirk to just drop me off and then he could go by himself to the store. She lives in a condo complex on the second floor... when I got out of the car and started up the stairs I could hear the screaming! Outside and a story down I could hear both my kids screaming! I ran up the stairs and into her door.
Nola ran to me, face red and blotchy, sobbing. I scooped her up and she quieted. But Logan was screaming still. Screaming! High pitched, repetitive screams. He was bright red and puffy faced from all the crying! I then realized that it was the first time we'd both ever been away from him. With Nola it was an event. I was worried and made lists, packed bags, left phone numbers of everywhere I would be, call a thousand times while I was gone.... This time I didn't even know it was his first time! Oh, the poor forgotten second child!
Eventually I got them both calm... and by eventually I mean 30 min! Logan fell asleep and Nola relaxed. I ordered pizza and Kirk returned from the store. Logan woke up from his little nap and was fine. He smiled and giggled and had a bottle. But then I wanted to eat too so I asked Kirk to take him. Well, Grandma offered and I gave him back to her. Instantly Logan started screaming again! This time there was no consoling him. He was crying and wailing and screaming. Kirk took him, nothing. Grandma took him back, nothing. I tried over and over to get him to stop crying, nothing. After a half an hour of non-stop screaming we were all a little freaked out. The loudest noise in the world is your own baby crying. I changed his diaper, took off all his clothes, checked his fingers and toes for hairs, checked him for a rash, examined him all the ways I could think of and nothing was wrong. I knew he was just freaked out.
But then it was suggested that we call the doctor. I said there was probably no need, he was just freaked out because we left him. But after more screaming and having no real answers I told Kirk to go ahead and call. And I know the number by heart but couldn't think of it. I sat there, holding a screaming baby, watching a 2 year old climbing up the side of the bed I had told her 3 times not to do because it was tall and she could fall and I couldn't make that phone number come into my brain! Of all the times to go blank! Then I remembered that I had their card in my wallet. After much discussion with the oncall nurse we decided to just take him home and see if his normal environment would calm him down... if not, the emergency room it would be.
We got home and he was fine, asleep... and slept until 6am! And today - a happy baby he be!
Note to parents and future parents: Don't leave your kids alone for the first time with someone without realizing it and being prepared. Don't leave your 2 year old with your 2 month old when your 2 year old is being a brat. Don't forget to tell Grandma how to make bottles, make them for her. Don't leave without having the babysitter at least hold the kid first... Don't assume because your 2 year old is fine with Grandma that your 2 month old will be A-Okay too.
Highlighter Valentine Card with Free Printable
6 years ago
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